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Update: Mai 2021

Our penchant for the arts



Video «Concert cutouts»

Innovation Duo – world-class music

Next to commercial productions we dedicate a part of our time to non-profit endeavors. So it happens that we put our camera to action when some initiative in our neighbourhood seems in need or worthy of the kind of support we can provide.

Commitments to Bülach's trade show, to youth activities in Sports or to the «Santa Claus Society" belong to that category. But we also care, and we preferably do so together with artundmedia.ch, for the arts.

Anna Savytska und Jakub Dzialak are members of the exclusive guild of world-class violin virtuosos. Anna is Ukrainian-born, Jakub is a Swiss national with Polish roots. They earn their living as an artist couple, but being professional musicians in little Switzerland, and combining concert activities with a decent family life, is not so easy.

In 2006 Jakub received the City of Bülach's «Artist of the year» award. Ever since, the Innovation Duo gives an annual concert here. At these occasions, their art and passion of unearthing, adapting and performing rare music for two solo violins regularly create a marvelous and sometimes magical musical experience.

We have recorded some concerts in order to support the Innovation Duo our way. Here are a few cutouts.


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