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Update: May 2021

Orange Communications SA: The high-flyers



Video «Orange Switzerland – The first anniversary»

Orange, an intranet pioneer

Orange's market introduction in Switzerland was a sweeping success. They also introduced a very active policy of internal stimulation and motivation.

Press conferences, a zeppelin, the Orange cube, a walk-in roadshow cube come shop, The Dome, a spectacular booth at the Orbit fair, Thema Selection, a photo exhibition, the christening of the Orange hot-air balloon in Château-d'Oex, the first anniversary birthday party and the Year End Talk in Lausanne and much more: all events were documented on video.

With a grand summerparty in July 2000, one year after the market entry in Switzerland, management wanted to thank the Orange people for their extremely successful efforts. RTV produced a series of video inserts, segmenting the event's official part, including random testimonials of both passers-by and staff as well as grudginly acclaiming congratulations from the Swisscom CEO.

We could count on a complete set of footage of the year's internal and external events for our documentation of the «Year End Talk», too.

Orange had those published over the intranet already then. We show some abridged clips.



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Year End Talk



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