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Update: May 2021

Example 2: formal, TV studio; focus on appearance and impact


MT_intr330 Kopie

Video «Training in TV studio»

TV studio: formal statement and interview

(We only have german-language examples, but we do operate in English)

Many of the electronic media's «victims», in their professional life, are members of upper management and therfore used to act decisively and present themselves assertively. However, when confronted with the media, they falter. This is especially so in a TV studio environment. The sudden realization of being completely at the merci of a camera that recklessly shows any glitch or uncertainty, of a host and a director who are wont to exploit just that for the sake of it, make almost every interviewee nervous.

It's wise to prepare for such occasions in a professional studio setting in order to get used to the special ambiance. You'll wonder what difference it makes to be able to warm up to the glaring floodlight, the live cameras, the monitors, the people involved.


Our traditional partners are Communicators (formerly pi.ar AG) and Bretscher + Partner.

We are highly experienced, we organize it all, we'll have you drilled. In addition, we are also experienced in conceptual content design and help whip up your «nasty questions» list.

Some more comments in brief

mtv110_001 mtv110_003 mtv110_002

Panel discussion


Single interview Controversy
mtv110_005 mtü110_001 mtaeuss110
Statement «Hold-up»-Interview Body language



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