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Update: May 2021

Example 1: informal; focus on reasoning



Video «informal training»

Informal setting, tough training

(We only have german-language examples,
but we do operate in English)

Even if you don't understand what's being said in this short video clip: the sequence clearly suggests that you may want to brace yourself to meet aggressive counterparts.

In an informal setting like this you wouldn't put too much emphasis on how to present yourself, but on how to argue your case. Such a training may account for a tough 2 to 4 hours. But that's just what you want in preparation of a hard encounter with a real-life opponent.

It's always confidential

It may seem obvious, but we still want to state the fact: all trainings are strictly confidential. That's why there are no video clips of longer duration, and that's why we conceal faces.



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